Cherish Life

Queensland Taxpayer Funds Misused on Abortion Expansion Plan

In March 2024, the Queensland Government announced its decision to roll out a new Termination of Pregnancy Action Plan 2032. The Miles Labor government has committed to pouring $41.8 million of Queensland taxpayers’ hard-earned money into this plan over the next five years.[i]

Labor MP and Minister of Health Shannon Fentiman declared she is “proud” of the plan, calling it “a huge step forward”.[ii] The investment will be funnelled into some alarming initiatives:

  • $20.78 million to increase the abortion workforce.
  • $9.9 million to establish a ‘virtual early medical’ abortion pregnancy service.
  • $1.97 million to provide more education and training for those aspiring to become abortionists.[iii]

Another deeply concerning initiative is the $8.12 million earmarked for non-government organisations to provide abortion counselling support. One beneficiary will be Queensland-based pro-abortion organisation Children by Choice.[iv]

One must ask: Why is there no investment in independent counselling—a service that 88% of Queenslanders already support?[v] Why is there no funding for crisis pregnancy centres? Where is the support for adoption and fostering services?

Instead, Fentiman has opted to funnel over $8 million of taxpayers’ money to serve her own ideological ends. This reeks of “cronyism,” where MPs push legislation that financially benefits their allies. This is evidenced by the fact that the Children by Choice 50th Gala Dinner at Queensland Parliament was hosted by none other than Children by Choice “Life member,” Minister of Health Shannon Fentiman herself.[vi] One is baffled to discover how this can surely not be a case of conflict of interest. A sitting MP providing $8 million to a pro-abortion lobbying organisation of which she is a “Life member”?

Former Children by Choice CEO Daile Kehler

For those who haven’t been swallowed by the pro-abortion and anti-life ideology, another deeply concerning “priority action” could easily be overlooked: the plan to develop “information to help clinicians understand their obligations about conscientious objection.”[iii] This chilling move signals the Labor government’s intent to tighten the noose around the rights of Queensland doctors, nurses, and midwives who have legitimate conscientious objections to abortion.

Queenslanders need to be aware, this plan is not just to promote policy; it’s an assault on the values and beliefs of countless Queenslanders, driven by the current Labor government and Health Minister who shows a blatant disregard for the lives of the unborn.


I. The Queensland Cabinet and Ministerial Directory, “Over $40 million for equitable access to termination of pregnancy services”. Accessed 12 July, 2024.’s%20why%20the%20Termination%20of,control%20of%20their%20reproductive%20health.%E2%80%9D

II. Queensland Health, “Termination of Pregnancy Plan 2032”. Accessed 12 July, 2024.

III. Queensland Health, “Termination of Pregnancy Plan 2032”. Accessed 12 July, 2024.

IV. The Epoch Times. “Queensland to Recruit More Health Staff to Increase Abortion Services.” Accessed 12 July, 2024.

V. YouGov. “What Queenslanders Really Think About Abortion.” Accessed 12 July, 2024.

VI. Children by Choice. “Annual Report 2022-2023.” Accessed 12 July, 2024.

VII. Queensland Health, “Termination of Pregnancy Plan 2032”. Accessed 12 July, 2024.
