Cherish Life

Brisbane March For Life 2024

The Brisbane March for Life 2024 marked a profound achievement in advocating for the sanctity of life, drawing a huge number of supporters from diverse backgrounds and age groups. The event garnered attention from The Courier-Mail and pro-abortion protestors.

We filled the streets of Brisbane with a palpable sense of conviction, carrying signs and banners proclaiming the value of every human life.

On Saturday, June 8 a large crowd gathered in Brisbane for the 2024 March for Life. Once again, numbers demonstrated a powerful testament to the value of every human life from conception to natural death.

Matthew Cliff, CEO of Cherish Life, was encouraged by the event, saying, “Often we feel as individuals that we can’t do much, but then when we come together in these marches, we see ourselves as part of much broader movement.”

The speakers on the day were incredibly moving. Despite fighting against chants from pro-abortion protestors, they were able to cut to the heart of the issue and draw people to action.

In her inspirational and touching speech, Anouska Firth (Right to Life WA) shared her personal postabortion testimony. With unwavering honesty, she recounted the profound emotional turmoil she endured after facing two abortions, describing the experience as leaving her “excruciatingly empty” and being left to navigate through immense trauma and heartache. Yet, from the depths of her pain emerged a powerful resolve. Firth spoke passionately about how she found Jesus and channeled her experience into advocacy, using her own testimony and her Godgiven voice to ignite a fervent fight for the sanctity of life, she encouraged the crowd, “We must boldly pursue changes to the laws that will end the slaughter.”

Robbie Katter, MP for Traeger, articulated the deeprooted reasons behind his unwavering passion for the fight for life. He said to start “…if you see a baby drowning in a pool, you’re going to try and save it. If you see a doctor trying to kill a baby, you’re going to try and save it…” Drawing from personal experiences and convictions, Robbie spoke eloquently about his belief in the inherent dignity and value of every human being, regardless of circumstance or stage of life. This value for life is what has driven him to put up the recent Queensland “Babies Born Alive Bill”.

Dr Joanna Howe’s speech resounded with a call to action and accountability as she fearlessly confronted the failures of particularly the Labor Party in protecting the unborn. With unwavering conviction, she highlighted the critical need for pro-active legislation and policies that uphold the sanctity of life from conception. Highlighting the need to get behind the Katter Party’s “Babies Born Alive Bill”, she said, “the new bill will treat babies born alive in Queensland (after abortion) no different to any other baby.”

A professor of law at the University of Adelaide, Dr Howe passionately urged the audience to vote not just for a party, but for pro-life members of parliament in their electorates. Her words underscored the urgency of supporting politicians who prioritise ethical governance and advocate for policies that defend the most vulnerable among us.

Michelle Pearse (CEO, Australian Christian Lobby) delivered a stirring speech that transcended political divides, emphasising the fundamental importance of protecting human life. With heartfelt conviction, she declared, “This issue is above politics; this is human life.” Her words resonated with the timeless values of justice and compassion, highlighting the inherent dignity of life, especially in its most vulnerable stages.

In relation to the upcoming election she said “I can 100% say: I will vote for a pro-life candidate, even if it’s not my preferred party.”

The March for Life couldn’t have come at a more opportune moment, aligning with the impending election. Attendees departed not only uplifted and motivated for the ongoing battle, but also with a lot to think about for the approaching electoral decision.

For those seeking guidance on choosing the right candidate in their electorate, please visit In the coming weeks we will have tools set up for you to search the candidates stance on pro-life issues of candidates in your electorate.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated in this significant event, standing up for the sanctity of life. Your presence and support are crucial in raising awareness and advocating for change.

Special thanks are due to all the donors and sponsors whose generosity made this event possible, particularly CitizenGO, whose sponsorship was instrumental in organising and hosting the march.