Type your postcode below and find out exactly where your candidates stand on the following question:
Do you believe that unborn babies in Queensland should not be allowed to be aborted after 22 weeks of pregnancy?
Candidates had the following responses to choose from:
- Yes
- Yes ( except in certain circumstances)
- No
To be clear – “Yes” is the pro-life response and “No” is the pro-abortion response.
A non-response from any candidates is stated as “Refusal to respond”
More candidates positions will be added daily
Cherish Life has received responses from the following parties stating their collective stance:
*13/08/2024 – Labor (Health Minister – Shannon Fentiman):
“The Miles Labor Government has always stood up for a woman’s right to choose and will continue to ensure they have access to safe and legal abortion”
*15/10/2024 – LNP (State Director – Ben Riley)
“With respect to the issue you have raised, I can advise that the LNP have no plans to change the current laws.”
*10/10/2024 – Greens (MP for Maiwar – Michael Berkman)
“In response to your question “Do you believe that unborn babies in Queensland should not be allowed to be aborted after 22 weeks of pregnancy?”, the answer is no.”
*16/10/2024 – Family First Party (Queensland Campaign Director – Alex Todd)
“YES. There should NOT be an option to kill a baby that is not born yet.”
*21/10/2024 – One Nation Party (Damien Huxham)
“One Nation considers abortion to be strictly a matter of conscience and permits its elected representatives to vote accordingly. As a party we have no plans to introduce amendments to the Termination of Pregnancy Act, but we will consider any related legislation on its merits, in full consultation with the community and relevant stakeholders.”